version:: 2019/02/13 Bugfixes •Correct bug seen in some registrations related to hardware key being unavailable. version:: 2019/02/06 Features/Changes •Implemented product registration requirement for future updates Bugfixes •Minor bug fixes version:: 2019/01/16 Bugfixess •Corrected bug where delayed operation showed incorrect countdown and delay until time. •Other minor fixes version:: 2019/01/14 Features/Changes •Added the ability to add custom columns to QC and Sample Reports •Added the ability to reorder columns in QC and Sample Reports •Added a Dilution Factor to Samples/Sample reports which converts measured COD to a scaled value •Changed the system used for analyzer/controller parameters, to a single file, with additional detail listed. •Simplified the Settings Tab •Added ability to load/save plot data and added a crosshair to inspect charts •Added a user editable time estimate for operation completion •Added a simplified view option •Added additional command/communication logging •Added ability to send arbitrary commands over serial •Updated background structure for smoother communication/operation •Added additional recovery options for certain PeCOD errors •Added min/sec running time display option •Added progress display that blocks UI during operations that take significant time •Added error descriptions to tables Bugfixes •Variety of bug fixes •Variety of UI changes •Added ability to connect to PeCOD even if an error occurs